Monday, April 08, 2013

Fibonacci..... Not Just For Kids

Fantastic turnout Thursday evening and thank you to all who came out in support
 of my exhibit at Danskin!

Expecting the typical banter about all things noir, German expressionism, and the usual “how do you come up with ideas, do you use models, and are the paintings named after films,” questions, I was admittedly caught off guard by the random mention of the term “Fibonacci principle” made in reference to my work, by two separate and unacquainted visitors… one scientist and one physician. As well, I briefly conversed with an aerospace engineer turned artist who argued in favor of the close bond between science and art, something I admittedly had not considered. 

Being a humanities major with a fear of numbers and only a vague recollection of the term “Fibonacci” in reference to a rather bad 80’s band I saw as a kid, I found the conversations ironic, yet strangely pertinent as I am busy preparing an article on Albemarle Gallery’s hyper-realist artist, Philip Muñoz, who happens to be a biochemist turned artist. I am looking forward to posting the article and the incredible images he sent me of his work later this week. 

In the meantime, I will be better versed on such exponential topics at my next exhibit of a series of diptychs exploring the nonlinear Schrödinger equation and its relationship to wave propagation in nonlinear media. You just can't be too prepared!
