Monday, December 04, 2017


Thank you to my collectors & galleries for another great year!  Special thanks to the beautiful A Gallery in 
El Paseo for an incredible day, and what I'm sure will be a very successful exhibit!  Whether you're a snow bird, fortunate enough to call it home, or just travelling through Palm Desert, California, be sure to stop by the gallery and check out the new collection.

For now, I'm retreating back to the drawing board - I've been commissioned to design a double album cover for Australia's Paper Kites, which I'm really excited about.   Having a blast working with Sam Bentley & co.

I'm ending 2017 with an exclusive interview with iconic artist/photographer/film director, Matt Mahurin.  With a roster of clients that include U2, REM, Muse, Tom Waits,  Rolling Stone Magazine and too many others to list here - I can't wait to share this one! 

Wishing everyone Happy Holidays.  Thank you all for your support.  Please continue to support ALL of the arts - it's never been  more crucial.

                        'Just Married' - Acrylic on Canvas - 42 x 32

                 1st Dec. 2017 A Gallery

        March 2017 / December 2017

The object isn't to make art,

it's to be in that wonderful state

 which makes art inevitable. 

- Robert Henri
