Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Wong Kar-wai's In The Mood For Love & New Work...

"Love Is Blindness" - Acrylic on Linen (currently in progress)

“In older times when a person had a secret that could not be shared, he would go to the top of a mountain, make a hollow in a tree, whisper the secret into that hollow and cover it with mud…” 

Wong Kar-wai’s stunning “In The Mood For Love,” was originally titled “Secrets.” He apparently re-titled the film after listening to Bryan Ferry’s version of the 1930’s Jimmy McHugh song, “I’m In The Mood For Love.” 

                                "I'm In The Mood For Love" Bryan Ferry
Set in 1962, it tells the story of a writer and his neighbor, suspecting their respective spouses of having affairs. The platonic relationship they develop is frozen by circumstance and never moves beyond fantasy and flirtation. Kar-Wai beautifully explores the themes of unrequited love, betrayal, and loneliness set against the passage of time. The film received the 2000 Cannes Film Festival Technical Grand Prize.  

                                        Filmmaker Wong Kar-wai

The composition of my work in progress (pictured above) was influenced by the film. The title, “Love Is Blindness,” was inspired by the lyrics of the 1991 U2 song of the same name... ”thread is ripping, the knot is slipping, love is blindness.”

                                       "Love Is Blindness" 1991 U2